HL7® Definition

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MSH: Message Header

The MSH segment defines the intent, source, destination, and some specifics of the syntax of a message.

MSH.11STR1Field Separator
MSH.24STR1Encoding Characters
MSH.3227HDO10361Sending Application
MSH.4227HDO10362Sending Facility
MSH.5227HDO10361Receiving Application
MSH.6227HDO10362Receiving Facility
MSH.726TSR1Date/Time Of Message
MSH.915MSGR1Message Type
MSH.1020STR1Message Control ID
MSH.113PTR1Processing ID
MSH.1260VIDR1Version ID
MSH.1315NMO1Sequence Number
MSH.14180STO1Continuation Pointer
MSH.152IDO10155Accept Acknowledgment Type
MSH.162IDO10155Application Acknowledgment Type
MSH.173IDO10399Country Code
MSH.1816IDO*0211Character Set
MSH.19250CEO1Principal Language Of Message
MSH.2020IDO10356Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme
MSH.21427EIO*Message Profile Identifier
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